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School of Physical Education and Sports, which started education and training in 1992-1993 academic year, aims to train "Physical Education Teachers" for primary and secondary schools. The School of Physical Education and Sports was transformed into "Faculty of Sports Sciences" in 25th January 2016.

The Department of Psycho-Social Fields in Sports and the Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching within the body of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of our faculty were closed and the Department of Physical Education and Sports was opened instead; It was discussed at the meeting of the Executive Board of Higher Education in 20.01.2021, and the "Physical Education and Sports Department" was opened, which was decided to establish a Department with the 7/d-2 article amended by the law no: 2880 of the law no: 2547. Administration Identity Code from the State Organization Central Registration System (DETSİS No) has been received.

Educational objectives of the Physical Education and Sports Department;

  • Having sufficient pedagogical formation to conduct Physical Education and Sports lessons
  • Able to apply sport-specific teaching methods and models,
  • Being able to develop and use materials and materials in the education-teaching process,
  • Knowing how to develop training plans and programs and how to create course content
  • Able to gain various movement skills to individuals with different characteristics
  • Able to create research processes
  • Having the knowledge of using up-to-date technologies, materials, and instruments, 
  • To train Physical Education Teachers who have the competence to contribute to the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor characteristics of the students

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